Types of events

Mega or Major? How do we class different kinds of events.

Mega events

Mega events attract significant numbers of attendees, both internationally and domestically, although international attendees make up a considerable proportion. These events generate substantial international media interest and international profile. Due to this, mega events generate significant and widespread benefits for New Zealand.

Examples of mega events:

  • Rugby World Cup 2011
  • ICC Cricket World Cup 2015
  • 36th America’s Cup

Major events

Major events attract significant numbers of both domestic and international attendees. There is a large number of international attendees and media interest.

Examples of major events:

  • Women’s Rugby World Cup 2021
  • New Zealand Masters Games 2017
  • World of WearableArt

Regional events

Regional events attract primarily domestic attendees, although they may also attract some international attendees and international coverage. Regional events may generate benefits for New Zealand, but the benefits will be primarily regional.

Examples of regional events:

  • Art Deco Weekend
  • Queenstown Marathon
  • Provincial rugby games
  • CubaDupa

Local and community events

Local and community events attract primarily local attendees. They don’t attract international attendees or international coverage. The benefits that local and community events generate will be mostly to the city or town in which they are located.

Examples of local and community events

  • Newtown Festival
  • School Carnivals
  • Weetbix Kids Triathlon
  • A&P Shows